Contents of this week’s study:
Day One: A Reverent Offering
Day Two: Drawing Sarah Out
Day Three: Avram "God's Friend" Merits Special Knowledge
Day Four: Avram Intercedes
Day Five: Lot's Compromise
Day Six: Shemah - Section Two
Day One: A Reverent Offering
Genesis 18:1-5 (CJB)
18 Adonai appeared to Avraham by the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance to the tent during the heat of the day. 2 He raised his eyes and looked, and there in front of him stood three men. On seeing them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, prostrated himself on the ground,
3 and said, “My lord, if I have found favor in your sight, please don’t leave your servant. 4 Please let me send for some water, so that you can wash your feet; then rest under the tree, 5 and I will bring a piece of bread. Now that you have come to your servant, refresh yourselves before going on.” “Very well,” they replied, “do what you have said.”
Do you, when the King honors you by paying you a visit, remember to focus on the Lord, not worrying about your own concerns or needs, just honoring and worshiping Him with your very best?
*When I read these verses, I get kind of a mental picture of Avraham sitting in the shade his tent opening would provide, whittling. Waiting out the heat of the hottest part of the day before completing his work. It has not been very long since God made the promise to give Avraham a son by Sarah, but we should take notice that he has been very faithful to follow through with Adonai’s command to ensure that every man of his household, servant or free, be circumcised, see Genesis 17:26-27.
Don’t ever underestimate the importance of following through with God’s commands. In our money driven world, it’s very easy to get distracted and caught up in materialism and begin thinking, “Oh, God understands, I need to do this first, just this once”. You know, Jehovah does understand, sometimes we need to stick to a schedule, but the problem is that “sometimes” can very quickly and without us even realizing it’s happening, become “often”, and eventually, “always” as we get swept away in a torrent of little “just this once” things we just haveto do. We need to staunchly uphold God’s commands and our relationship building time with Him as our priority.
*Are you, like me, slightly amused at the way the author describes the manifestation of Yeshua and His companions? Suddenly Avraham looked up and there were three men standing there. Avraham, as we would expect from him, ran and humbled himself completely before the Lord and entreated Adonai, Yeshua, to tarry so he, Avraham, could perform this act of worship.
This is what we noted when we first began this study of Avraham, that he was a very faithful worshipper. Although he was sometimes prone to make an unwise choice, in the flesh, We’ve seen that as he moved from place to place, the first thing he did was to build an altar and worship the one, true, living God.
Genesis 18:6-8 (CJB
6 Avraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said, “Quickly, three measures of the best flour! Knead it and make cakes.” 7 Avraham ran to the herd, took a good, tender calf and gave it to the servant, who hurried to prepare it. 8 Then he took curds, milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it all before the men; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate.
From the Strong’s: in your journal, write your conclusion as to how the following words are used in verses 6-8 (above). As always, this is your study, list the words that are most meaningful to you. You can use a word [s] from the definitions, any version of the Bible or your own [fitting] word.
Hastened4116 mâhar, maw-har´; (PR); properly, to be liquid or flow easily, i.e. (by implication); to hurry (in a good or bad sense); often used (with another verb) adverbially, promptly: --- be carried headlong, fearful, (cause to make, in, make) haste (-n, -ily), (be) hasty, (fetch, make ready) x quickly, rash, x shortly, (be so) x soon, make speed, x speedily, x straightway, x suddenly, swift. 1. What is your conclusion as to the meaning of this word as used above?
Best(fine in the KJV) Strong’s doesn’t define this word, but I’m sure you can figure out what type of flour is being described here. 2. What is your conclusion as to the meaning of this word as used above?
Tender7390H rak, rak; tender (literally or figuratively); by implication, weak: --- faint [-hearted], soft, tender ([-hearted], (one) weak, from 7401H râkak, raw-kak´; (PR); to soften (intransitive or transitive), used figuratively: --- (be) faint ([-hearted]), mollify, (be, make) soft (-er), be tender.
3. What is your conclusion as to the meaning of this word as used above?
4. Avraham was a man of worship. Write what insights you believe verses 6-8 and the word definitions (above) might reveal to us about Avraham’s worshipful heart.
Day Two: Drawing Sarah Out
Genesis 18:9-10 (CJB)
9 They said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” He said, “There, in the tent.” 10 He [Adonai] said, “I will certainly return to you around this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Sarah heard him from the entrance of the tent, behind him.
5. Friends, why do you think Yeshua asked about Sarah here?
6. Do you think Yeshua, being God, knew where Sarah was?
7. Do you think Yeshua wanted to spend time with Sarah as well as with Avraham?
8. Was Sarah “watching for a visitation from God?
9. Should Sarah have begun to make an offering, the special “fine” bread, on her own when she heard Yeshua’s voice without Avraham needing to tell her to do it?
*Remember in our study from last week, that Yeshua changed Sarah’s name right along with her husbands, and He prophesied the same blessing on Sarah that He did on Avraham. He said the same words over her that he said over her husband, even though she would not draw near to the Lord. Whether she was busy and distracted or just unwilling to commit to any personal covenant with God, she has missed several opportunities to deepen her relationship with God, and for a woman who has been desperate for a child, don’t you think she needs to draw close to Him? Still, God is faithful.
*Even though Sarah wouldn’t come out of her comfort zone, but chose to, merely out of obedience, worship from afar by staying distant making bread and vicariously through her husband’s closeness with God, Yeshua is still faithful to fulfill His promise, but, oh, what Sarah missed by not drawing close to Adonai herself.
*Whether she held back out of fear, wrong teaching or anger with God because she had been left barren until she was past child bearing years, Sarah stayed in the tent eavesdropping the conversation going on just outside when she could have been an integral part of this meeting as Yeshua so obviously wanted her to be.
Yeshua will never force a relationship with you. If you choose to stay distant, he will work to draw you out into His presence, but if you refuse, He will allow you to remain distant, and though He will still bless you in many other ways, you will miss out on the personal bond and covenants He desires to make with you.
Genesis 18:11-12 (CJB)
11 Avraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years; Sarah was past the age of childbearing. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “I am old, and so is my lord; am I to have pleasure again?”
*Perhaps Sarah was worried that it had been a long time since she and her husband had enjoyed an intimate relationship. Maybe she feared they would be clumsy, but God is able to provide all that is needed when He ordains our involvement in His plans, even skill and desire.
1. We have to wonder, was it the mental picture of Avraham being able to give her pleasure or her doubt that Almighty God could and would still use her tired body to complete His plan of redemption that caused Sarah to laugh under her breath?
2. Are you trusting, wherever you are, whatever your lot is at this time in your life, whatever your past sins and mistakes, that God is able to accomplish His will through you?
Genesis 18:13-15 (CJB)
13 Adonai said to Avraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and ask, ‘Am I really going to bear a child when I am so old?’ 14 Is anything too hard for Adonai? At the time set for it, at this season next year, I will return to you; and Sarah will have a son.” 15 Sarah denied it, saying, “I didn’t either laugh,” because she was afraid. He said, “Not so — you did laugh.”
*We’ll see as we go on through our study that staying distant is a constant problem for the people of God. The only reason Yeshua asked Avraham why Sarah laughed is because she was refusing to “get real” with Him herself, but if you’ll notice in verse fifteen, he has just pulled her from her place of distant service directly into His presence, and she is finally engaging with Him. Even though she’s resorting to lying to His face, she is now engaged directly with the God of the universe, and now, He looks her right in the face and refutes her lie.
*He exposes her as a liar, though her greatest lie is the one she’s been telling herself her whole adult life; that God couldn’t care about her because He left her barren and ashamed in a world that her sensitive heart felt had mocked her. *In one amazing movement Yeshua has proven to this lonely, broken-hearted woman that “He sees her”. Just as He saw grieving, abandoned Hagar “the slave-girl” by the well --- He sees this embittered, emotionally distant "Princes Sarah" trapped in a prison of distrust and resentment among her palace of tents.
* Even a silent laugh, or tear, does not escape Yeshua’s notice. He sees your joy and your pain; He sees you!
*Sarah was afraid and denied that she laughed. Like many people today, Sarah had a wrong understanding of God. We find very often today, that people, even believers, think of God as this deeply loving, forgiving, god who just wants to bless everybody. It is true; it is God’s heart to be merciful, gracious and loving with all His creation, but this is only part of His character.
*Until the recent past, people typically had the opposite idea about God. To many He was an angry God who demanded obedience and would cast people who failed into “hell”.
In the Strong’s: let’s take a look at the word feared from verse 15 (above):
Afraid3372H yârê', yaw-ray´; (PR); to fear; morally, to revere; cause to frighten: --- affright, be (make) afraid, dread (-ful), (put in) fear (-ful, -fully, -ing), (be had in) reverence (-end), x see, terrible (act, -ness, thing).
*Sarah may have worried that Adonai would know she had doubted His word. Perhaps, this is another reason why she would not draw near to Him. She was so blinded by this all-powerful God, that she had missed the tender compassion He longed to bestow upon her. We need a balanced understanding of God’s character; He is the just and righteous judge, but He is also the compassionate and benevolent creator and King.
* Though Sarah seems to have had only a reverent fear of God, I believe Avraham had a better understanding of Him. Avraham wastes no time in humbling himself before God and offering the best
Day Three: Avram Merits Special Knowledge
Genesis 18:16-19 (TLV) 16 Then the men got up from there and looked down over Sodom. Abraham was walking with them to send them off, 17 when Adonai said, “Should I keep secret from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham will most certainly become a great and mighty nation and in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed? 19 For I have made myself known to him so that he will command his sons and his household after him to keep the way of Adonai by doing righteousness and justice, so that Adonai may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him.”
*I love Avraham’s heart here. He cannot get enough of being in God’s presence. He walks a distance with Yeshua and the “men”, lingering, honoring Yeshua with his dedication. We typically want to say that this is really hard to do today because we are so busy, but I think Avraham could have said the same thing. He had huge herds and flocks and hired men who he had to keep an eye on. Avraham probably had to tote water from a well and they would have grown a garden for fresh produce.
*With a large operation like Avraham had, he would have been encamped some distance from town, so he would have had to walk or ride into town to trade for anything that was needed and to get the local news. This man was certainly busy, but, as we see in our study so far this week, he dropped everything else to talk with, serve and worship his God.
*We later learn that it is two angels, or messengers, who came with Adonai God to see the wickedness of the cities of the plain for themselves. We know that Adonai is Yeshua because, here, He has appeared to Avraham, but John 1:18 (TLV) says, 18 No one has ever seen God; but the one and only God, in the Father’s embrace, has made Him known.
Genesis 18:20-23 (CJB) 20 Then Adonai said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great indeed, and their sin is very grievous indeed. 21 I want to go down now, and see if they deserve destruction, as its outcry has come to Me. And if not, I will know.” 22 Then the men turned from there and went toward Sodom, but Abraham was still standing before Adonai. 23 Abraham drew near and said, “Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked?
*Don’t miss the honor Yeshua is giving Avraham here. The Lord wants to get to Sodom to give the people there the chance to repent, yet, here He is staying behind to talk with Avraham, His friend
1. Jehovah chose Avraham as the ancestor of Messiah because he was dedicated to serving God and His kingdom. God knew that Avraham, when he was given a little bit of insight to what Jehovah was doing, would be faithful to stress the importance of serving Jehovah to his descendants. What stands out to you about Avraham’s character that you think would make God choose Avraham and his posterity as a priestly line?
2. If Avraham hadn’t have received Yeshua with Joy and urged Him to stay and allow Avraham to serve Him and His companions, or if Avraham had been watching the clock and urged Yeshua and His companions to leave so he could get back to work, would he have been privileged to be told Yeshua’s intention? How important was it that Avraham made every allowance to spend as much time with the Lord as possible? 3. Read verse nineteen (above) again. What did Yeshua say Avraham and his descendants had to do to receive the promise of God? What did Yeshua say He had done to cause Avraham and his sons to be faithful to do righteousness and justice? Are things really different today? How important is it that we’re dedicated to building a relationship and serving God in our own lives today?
Day Five: Lot Compromised
Genesis 19:1-3 (CJB)
1 The two angels came to S’dom that evening, when Lot was sitting at the gate of S’dom. Lot saw them, got up to greet them and prostrated himself on the ground. 2 He said, “Here now, my lords, please come over to your servant’s house.
Spend the night, wash your feet, get up early, and go on your way.” “No,” they answered, “we’ll stay in the square.” 3 But he kept pressing them; so they went home with him; and he made them a meal, baking matzah for their supper, which they ate.
1. How many angels entered Sodom?
2. Where is Adonai? We’ll see the answer to this question next week.
3. Note that Lot was sitting at the city gate when the angels arrived. This was a tradition in ancient cultures. The noblemen of a city would sit at the city gate and people who had questions or legal disputes would come seeking their wisdom. Had Lot made a name for himself in sin city, or was he deluding himself that he was well regarded there?
4. Note carefully what our author tells us was Lot’s first response to seeing the angels approaching the city (see vs. 1). He prostrated himself as a second thought. *It is my feeling that Lot had forgotten much of what his uncle Avraham had taught him about true reverence.
5. Do you see the difference between the meal Avraham prepared and the meal Lot served? Do you think there may have been a difference in motivation? Think about when Avraham urged Yeshua and the messengers to stay vs. when Lot did. Avraham did it so he could be a blessing. Do you have an idea of why Lot urged them to stay at his house?
Genesis 19:4-8 (CJB) 4 But before they could go to bed, the men of the city surrounded the house — young and old, everyone from every neighborhood of S’dom. 5 They called Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to stay with you tonight?
Bring them out to us! We want to have sex with them!” 6 Lot went out to them and stood in the doorway, closing the door behind him, 7 and said, “Please, my brothers, don’t do such a wicked thing. 8 Look here, I have two daughters who are virgins. Please, let me bring them out to you, and you can do with them what seems good to you; but don’t do anything to these men, since they are guests in my house.”
6. Do you have the feeling that Lot had an anterior motive for wanting the angels to stay in his house for the night?
7. Do you imagine that Lot knew the men of the city would try to attack the messengers if they stayed in the city square, but perhaps thought they would leave them alone out of respect for him if they were staying at his [Lot’s] house?
8. Notice that Lot closed the door behind him when he went out to speak to the townsmen. What did Lot offer the townsmen after he closed the door (vs. 6-8)?
9. Did Lot close the door behind him knowing he was going to offer his two young daughters as a sacrifice to the god of perversion which ruled in Sodom to try to quiet the trouble while the angels were there?
*Lot had known all along that he should make a stand against the depravity that was like a cancer that fouled everything and everyone who came into contact with it. He also knew, however, that to make a stand he would probably have to leave. It is hard to say how involved Lot was in the debauchery all around him in this lush, sleazy plain, but his thinking and standards were clearly distorted.
10. Had Lot convinced himself that he was much more important and influential than he was?
11. Can any of us live for Yeshua and His kingdom if we make this sinful world our home?
Genesis 19:9-11 (CJB) 9 “Stand back!” they replied. “This guy came to live here, and now he’s decided to play judge. For that we’ll deal worse with you than with them!” Then they crowded in on Lot, in order to get close enough to break down the door. 10 But the men inside reached out their hands, brought Lot into the house to them and shut the door. 11 Then they struck the men at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they couldn’t find the doorway.
The true feelings of these over sexed, deranged animals are revealed here. These men had allowed Lot to think he was influential, sitting in the city gate with the wise men, handing out his judgements and wise insights, but they actually hated his “preaching”, what little he could have done when his own life was in a backslidden shambles. The messengers had to pull Lot back into the house to save him, and they struck the men blind “small and great”, “young and old” see vs. 4 and 11 (above) because all the seething, crazed males in the city had come to Lot’s house to rape his visitors. This is what it looks like when sin goes unchecked and the enemy’s false kingdom gets a foothold in people’s lives. It gets more and more perverted and pervasive. *Perhaps you remember when Lot was taken captive by King Chederloamer and his allies, and Avraham mounted a massive rescue operation to retrieve him. Why do you think Lot returned to Sodom to live?
Brothers and sisters, take some time in prayer, and ask Jehovah to show you if you have set your tent toward the world. If He shows you an area where you have some compromise, ask Him to change your heart and give you the strength and courage to make Jehovah’s kingdom your home.